Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Blurred Background...Sharp Subject

A Good Technique For Photographing Little Kids in Motion:

My daughter is one of my favorite subjects, but sometimes she can be hard to catch sitting still. In some ways that makes it even more fun. I like to try and capture the cuteness of my daughter's face and her energy and motion at the same time. If you just set a slower shutter speed the subject will be blurred beyond recognition. The object is too set a slower shutter speed , but to follow the object you want in focus with your camera as it moves. It works best if you start following the subject through the viewfinder, then open the shutter as you continue to follow as precisely as possible. Obviously, the most difficult part is following the subject perfectly. As you can see, in the picture above, I did alright but not perfect. It is a fun experiment, and it can make for really good results. I will post the settings of this shot below:

Shutter Speed - 1/30

Aperture - f/22

Iso - 400

I shot in Shutter priority mode. As you can see, 1/30 or below is usually sufficient.


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